What to expect?
Step 1: CAVITATION- breaks down excess fat. It is a noninvasive procedure that uses low frequency sound waves that allows your body to break down stubborn fat deposits which are then metabolized and removed naturally through your bodies filtration system.
Step 2: LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE - removes toxins from your body through your lymphatic system
Step 3: RADIO-FREQUENCY - tightens skin by allowing your own body to produce collagen. Reduces wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots and acne scars. Helps with skin pigmentation, skin tightening, brightens your skin and boosts collagen.
Step 4: LASERLIPO - shrinks down fatty tissue. It is a noninvasive technology that uses infra red laser light to melt fat in the fat cells.
Images show the patient's skin at the beginning of the treatment and 5-6 weeks later.
Office location
7964 Arjons Drive St. H, San Diego, California, 92126Give us a call
(858) 255-9148Send us an email
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